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Sin resumen de edición
Línea 347: Línea 347:
span.socketlink-yellow { background-image: url('/media/8/87/UI-EmptySocket-Yellow.png'); }
span.socketlink-yellow { background-image: url('/media/8/87/UI-EmptySocket-Yellow.png'); }
span.socketlink-prismatic { background-image: url('/media/4/48/UI-EmptySocket-Prismatic.png'); }
span.socketlink-prismatic { background-image: url('/media/4/48/UI-EmptySocket-Prismatic.png'); }
span.socketlink-meta { background-image: url('/media7/75/UI-EmptySocket-Meta.png'); }
span.socketlink-meta { background-image: url('/media/7/75/UI-EmptySocket-Meta.png'); }
span.socketlink {
span.socketlink {

Revisión del 17:05 26 feb 2019

/* For the mobile frontend only. Add ?useformat=mobile to any URL to test */

/* Section to address missing new mobile skin  elements */
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/* Template:itemtip and co. */
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 .cc-priest, .cc-priest a { color: gray; } /* priest is white, but not on light skins... see darkvector.css */
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 .cc-shaman, .cc-shaman a { color: #2459FF; }
 .cc-warlock, .cc-warlock a { color: #9482CA; }
 .cc-warrior, .cc-warrior a { color: #C79C6E; }
 .cc-deathknight, .cc-deathknight a { color: #C41E3A; }
 .cc-monk, .cc-monk a { color: #008467; } /* proper color in darkvector */

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 .druidalt { background-color: #663300; }
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 .paladin { background-color: #883355; }
 .paladinalt { background-color: #662244; } 
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 .rogue { background-color: #555500; }
 .roguealt { background-color: #444400; }
 .rogue a, .roguealt a { color: #fff569; }
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 .shaman { background-color: #112277; }
 .shamanalt { background-color: #112255; }
 .shaman a, .shamanalt a { color: #2459FF; }
 .warlock, .warlockalt { color: white; }
 .warlock { background-color: #331155; }
 .warlockalt { background-color: #220044; }
 .warlock a, .warlockalt a { color: #cc99ff; }
 .warrior, .warrioralt { color: white; }
 .warrior { background-color: #775533; }
 .warrioralt { background-color: #443322; }
 .warrior a, .warrioralt a { color: #C79C6E; }

 .deathknight, .deathknightalt { color: white; }
/* .deathknight { background-color: #; } */
/* .deathknightalt { background-color: #; } */
 .deathknight a, .deathknightalt a { color: #C41E3A; }

 .monk, .monkalt { color: white; }
/* .monk { background-color: #; } */
/* .monkalt { background-color: #; } */
 .monk a, .monkalt a { color: #008467; }

/* Template: Reputation */
.rep-hated {color: #ac1d1d}
.rep-hostile {color: #ac0000}
.rep-unfriendly {color: #AB4918}
.rep-neutral {color: #acac00}
.rep-friendly {color: #00ac00}
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.combat-link-big { background-image: url('/media/6/6c/Combat_32.gif'); }

span.socketlink-red { background-image: url('/media/0/02/UI-EmptySocket-Red.png'); }
span.socketlink-blue { background-image: url('/media/f/fc/UI-EmptySocket-Blue.png'); }
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/* Other-faction links on quest-disambiguated pages */
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/* Versions */
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/* Style for horizontal lists (separator following item).
   IE8-specific classes are assigned in [[MediaWiki:Common.js/IEFixes.js]].
   @revision 4.3 (2014-01-06)
   @author [[User:Edokter]]
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/* For IE8 */
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/* VideoLink */
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