  1. Quest:A Summons From Moonglade
  2. Quest:Call of the Wilds
  3. Quest:The Dreamway
  4. Quest:To The Dreamgrove
  5. Quest:Weapons of Legend (druid)
  6. Al elegir el artefacto:
    • Equilibrio (Guadaña de Elune)
      1. Quest:The Scythe of Elune
      2. Quest:Its Rightful Place
      3. Quest:A Foe of the Dark
      4. Quest:Following the Curse (druid)
      5. Quest:Disturbing the Past (druid)
      6. Quest:The Deadwind Hunt
      7. Quest:The Burden Borne
    • Feral (Colmillos de Crinceniza)
      1. Quest:The Shrine of Ashamane
      2. Quest:Douse the Flames
      3. Quest:Aid for the Ashen
      4. Quest:The Shrine in Peril
      5. Quest:The Fangs of Ashamane
    • Guardián (Garras de Ursoc)
      1. Quest:Mistress of the Claw
      2. Quest:To The Hills
      3. Quest:Fallen Offerings
      4. Quest:The First Trial of Ursol
      5. Quest:The Second Trial of Ursol
      6. Quest:The Third Trial of Ursol
      7. Quest:When Dreams Become Nightmares
      8. Quest:The Dreamer Returns
    • Restauración (Inv staff 2h artifactnordrassil d 01 [G'Hanir, el Árbol Madre])
      1. Quest:Meet with Mylune
      2. Quest:Necessary Preparations
      3. Quest:Join the Dreamer
      4. Quest:In Deep Slumber
      5. Quest:Reconvene
      6. Quest:Cleansing the Mother Tree
  7. Quest:Sowing The Seed
  8. Quest:The Seed of Ages
  9. Quest:Ascending The Circle
  10. Quest:Words on the Wind
  11. Quest:Making Trails